What We Know

Our community district’s median family income is $26,349, making it the 3rd poorest community district in NYC.

 20 of the 25 fastest-growing city-based jobs with salaries over $50,000 require a college degree.

Adults with a BA degree earn about 66% more than their peers with a high school diploma. Those with an AA Degree earn 32% more.

Only 19% of Bronx residents over the age of 25 have a bachelor’s degree or higher – the second-lowest rate among the nation’s 100 largest counties.

Who We Serve

88% of New Settlement students are the first in their family to attend college.

91% of New Settlement students are from low-income households.

99% of New Settlement Students are Bronx Residents.

College Access Outcomes

100% of New Settlement students who receive 1:1 college advising services are accepted to college.

Students who received 1:1 college advising in 2016 – 2017 received over $3 million in financial aid.    

 over 3500 students have enrolled in college with the assistance of the College Access Center.