An SYEP, CUNY, Pinkerton Foundation, and New Settlement Partnership
This past summer New Settlement piloted a Summer Bridge Program with The Pinkerton Foundation, CUNY and SYEP. The following report outlines that the students that went through this program had the lowest “summer melt” compared to other NYC bridge programs and national data.
Out of the 55 students that participated in this pilot with the 3 partnering CBOs, 18/55 were New Settlement/Taft Campus students. Seventeen out of the 18 students received 3-5 CUNY credits while working with New Settlement summer camps. Below is the breakdown by school:
- BCA – 4 students (1 received employment after the completion of the program)
- BHSB – 4 students (all received 5 credits) (1 received employment after the completion of the program)
- Claremont – 6 students (1 received employment after the completion of the program)
- DYP – 3 students
- New Directions (supported by the College Access Center) – 1 student (received all 5 credits)