Free After-School & Saturday Programs for girls start September 23rd

 The Program for Girls & Young Women will hold Orientation for Fall 2019 classes on Monday, September 23rd, 2019 from 6:30-7:30pm, at 1514 Townsend Avenue, Community Room 1. Come sign up, meet teachers, see what’s being offered, and join us for an exciting fall semester! All classes are free to the community, for youth who identify as girls, young women, femmes or gender non-binary.  Programs meet at 1525 or 1514 Townsend Avenue. Age range varies by class, but the total age range is 10-18+, with most classes catering to middle and/or high-school aged youth.

Click here to see orientation flier and class descriptions (with ages, days & times) in English or en español. Enrollment Packets will be available at Orientation; they are also available in hard copy from the main office at 1512 Townsend Avenue, M-F 9am-5pm, or via download in English or español. We hope that you will join us!