Want to train and work as a Peer Educator? 
Since 2009, we have been a Summer Youth Employment work site! Every summer, we train and employ up to 20 young women aged 16-24 to lead interactive workshops for other youth, covering a range of topics related to wellness, pregnancy prevention, healthy relationships, and substance abuse prevention, using curricula licensed from Girls, Inc., combined with healthy relationships curriculum developed at Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center and workshops on LGBTQ rights, healthy relationships, pregnancy prevention and substance abuse provided by Montefiore Hospital, New York City Teens Connection, NYC Healthy Relationship Training Academy and the Single Parent Resource Center.
Peer Educators then develop and lead workshops for youth (girls and boys) aged 8-18 year round, in summer camps, after-school programs and schools, through partnerships we have developed with local middle schools and other community-based organizations that welcome these services. To qualify, young women must apply to Summer Youth Employment and be selected in the lottery. Youth must choose The worksite we are working with, contact us to find out which site prior to submitting the SYEP application. Check to see when SYEP summer applications become available online — typically they go online in March, so apply early! Youth are paid the current minimum hourly wage, and work approximately 25 hours a week. Our Peer Educators work Monday-Thursday, 10am-5:15pm for six weeks in the summer. In Summer 2020, under quarantine and with no SYEP funding, the program did not run. We returned Summer 2022 to a small group of educators and we hope to be back to normal numbers Summer 2023.
We also have very limited *unpaid* spots available for young women who were not selected by SYEP, but wish to train and work and receive documentation of community service hours to meet school requirements.
Want to book a workshop??
We have high-school and college-aged Peer Educators trained in both substance abuse and health & sexuality curricula*. Our Peer Educators will travel to your site to lead a dynamic workshop with your youth! Possible topics include: communication skills, stress management, healthy decision making, peer pressure, substance abuse, bullying, building healthy relationships and more! Age-appropriate workshops (for groups ages 8-18) can be tailored for your youth. Get in touch with Program Director Tasheema Lucas at t.lucas@newsettlement.org to discuss current capacity.
*Curricula developed by Girls Incorporated® and Start Strong Bronx