Since 2005, New Settlement’s Program for Girls and Young Women has offered participants a range of activities designed to build artistic, healthy living and leadership skills in a safe and supportive girls-only setting. Through a combination of health and wellness, adventure learning, college readiness and social justice-themed artistic programming, we promote peer leadership, self-confidence, positive risk-taking, healthy decision making and community engagement.
We have developed a safe and supportive environment for girls in our community to come together, collaborate in creative programs, activate their voices, and develop skills to make positive, informed choices about health issues, relationships, education and employment opportunities.
New Settlement’s comprehensive Program for Girls and Young Women serves approximately 185 participants annually, from fourth grade through high school and into college. Fourth and fifth grade girls-only programming is offered exclusively within New Settlement’s Multicultural After School Program (MASP) and the Mount Eden Children’s Academy (MECA, x555) After-School Program.
Our free programs for adolescent girls are open to community members, and any self-identified young woman who wishes to enroll may apply. Young Women in high school can earn a stipend for certain programs, such as G.O.A.L. and Sadie Nash Leadership Project.
Our program leverages the arts (theater, dance, poetry) to help participants explore platforms from which to voice their views on subjects of concern to them; builds confidence and physical strength through adventure programming and sports and fitness activities; supports participant-led community service projects , and provides college readiness training and support. Participants benefit from our partnerships with organizations such as Girls Inc of NYC, Sadie Nash Leadership Project, EDsnaps, City Parks Foundation’s Learning Gardens, the Women’s Sports Foundation, Bike NY and BronxCares.
Programs are available for girls in middle and high school (some open to young adults) weekday afternoons and evenings after school, and on Saturdays. In summer, we offer a six-week Arts and Leadership Academy for girls aged 10-15, and our summer Peer Education training program for girls aged 14-21 is a Summer Youth Employment work site. For more detail on core programs, see Join Us.
Click Here for current program offerings (or download en español).
The Program for Girls and Young Women is very grateful for support from the New York City Council’s Young Women’s Initiative, Patrina Foundation, Gobioff Foundation, the Women’s Sports Foundation, Poets & Writers, Bronx Council on the Arts, Distracted Globe, Washington Square Fund, Eileen Fisher, and many wonderful individuals!!