Bachelor’s Degree: Ithaca College
Employment: Executive Director / Owner & Agent, San Bernardino Family YMCA & 2 Funny Entertainment
“CAC provided me with the space, network, and information to learn about college. What it meant, how to apply, how to pay for it, etc. From the college trips to the office visits with counselors, CAC is the reason I was exposed to my alma mater and the reason I learned the college process as a first-generation college student.”
“Born and raised in the South Bronx, on Townsend Avenue right around the corner from CAC, I was heavily involved in youth programs thanks to my mother. Through youth programs, I realized caring for the community and helping people is what I wanted to do but I knew that isn’t all I wanted to do. At the age of 30, I sit as an Executive Director of a YMCA in California and run my college talent agency. In the near future, I will be starting other businesses that are aligned with my values and passions.”