Current Programming

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Contact Program Director Tasheema Lucas at with any questions!

Current classes:

G.O.A.L. Healthy Relationships, Reproductive wellness, College Access & Prep. Grades 9-12, must be enrolled in HS or an equivalent program. Meets MONDAYS weekly 6:30-8pm, + 2 TUESDAYS per month 6:30-8pm  (College Explorers workshops).  Class meetings are IN-PERSON, Monday the class meets at 1514 Townsend Ave in community room 1, Tuesdays they meet at 1525 Townsend Ave in the regular Girls Program Space. This program pays a STIPEND for perfect or near-perfect attendance. For more information about GOAL curriculum and typical sessions, visit our GOAL page. Download the GOAL Program Agreement 23-24 which can be filled out digitally OR printed, signed & scanned — then email to t.lucas@newsettlement.orgSpace is limited, for safety, these will be confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis based on the return of the completed Agreement.

Sadie Nash Leadership Project  Leadership development, youth activism & participant-led projects. Grades 9-12. Meets Tuesdays 5:00 pm-6:30 pm *This program pays an attendance-based STIPEND. Watch invite/orientation video!

EDsnaps Interactive STEAM workshops, special guests and mentors, relaxing but challenging project-based exploration. Will only be meeting during the Summer this year. Please contact Tasheema for more information on how to register for our summer program

Build Her A Bridge Self-esteem & mental wellness support group. Grades 6-12. Meets Wednesdays 6:30pm-*PM ; plus one-on-one mentoring sessions scheduled as needed (REMOTE or IN-PERSON). Class meets IN-PERSON, the group or one-on-one meets at 1525 Townsend Ave in the Girls’ Program Space. Watch Tasheema’s video invitation!

Next Level Dancers  Hip Hop dance classes. JUNIORS (ages 10 up, beginner/intermediate) meets THURSDAYS 6:30-8:30 PM. IN-PERSON @ 1514 Townsend Ave, Community Room 1. *Space is limited for safety & social distancing.

Next Level Dancers – Hip Hop dance classes. SENIORS (ages 14 – YA, advanced) meets Sundays 1-4 PM. IN-PERSON @ 1514 Townsend Ave.  *Space is limited for safety and social distancing.

Girls EnCourage  Adventure Learning and team-building, grades 6-12. Will meet in the Spring Semester TBD Outdoor day-trips (typically Sundays, & weather permitting) with pre-expedition remote planning and team-building sessions.

Silence Out Loud  Poetry, grades 6-12. Mondays 5 pm-6:30 pm Led by performance Poet Roya
Marsh, these workshops are a truth-telling experience through the media of spoken word encompassing life, love, self, justice, and the power of happiness and self-actualization.

Girls Be Heard  Multidisciplinary Arts with a social justice message (ages 14 – YA) meets Saturdays 1-4 PM  at 1525 Townsend Ave in the Girls’ Program Space. *This program pays a milestone- based STIPEND

Regular attendance is required to stay enrolled, and some classes may close enrollment after a few weeks even if the maximum has not been reached, as group projects or program content may have progressed too far.*

Ongoing partnerships include Sadie Nash Leadership Project, EDsnaps, and Girls Be Heard

Support for our online and in-person programming has also been provided by  The Meringoff Foundation, The Yankee Stadium Fund, The SMPS Family Foundation, City Council (Young Women’s Initiative), Washington Square Fund and Poets & Writers

 If you, your family or someone you know are in need of resources, including food, educational equity advocacy (i.e. help obtaining promised services such as devices or internet), legal assistance, mental health support or if you are experiencing domestic violence, please visit New Settlement’s COVID-19 Update & Resource links page and/or get in touch with Program Director Tasheema Lucas at