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Contact Program Director Tasheema Lucas at with any questions!
Current classes:
G.O.A.L. Healthy Relationships, Reproductive wellness, College Access & Prep. Grades 9-12, must be enrolled in HS or an equivalent program. Meets MONDAYS weekly 6:30-8pm, + 2 TUESDAYS per month 6:30-8pm (College Explorers workshops). Class meetings are IN-PERSON, Monday the class meets at 1514 Townsend Ave in community room 1, Tuesdays they meet at 1525 Townsend Ave in the regular Girls Program Space. This program pays a STIPEND for perfect or near-perfect attendance. For more information about GOAL curriculum and typical sessions, visit our GOAL page. Download the GOAL Program Agreement 23-24 which can be filled out digitally OR printed, signed & scanned — then email to Space is limited, for safety, these will be confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis based on the return of the completed Agreement.
Sadie Nash Leadership Project Leadership development, youth activism & participant-led projects. Grades 9-12. Meets Tuesdays 5:00 pm-6:30 pm *This program pays an attendance-based STIPEND. Watch invite/orientation video!
EDsnaps Interactive STEAM workshops, special guests and mentors, relaxing but challenging project-based exploration. Will only be meeting during the Summer this year. Please contact Tasheema for more information on how to register for our summer program
Build Her A Bridge Self-esteem & mental wellness support group. Grades 6-12. Meets Wednesdays 6:30pm-*PM ; plus one-on-one mentoring sessions scheduled as needed (REMOTE or IN-PERSON). Class meets IN-PERSON, the group or one-on-one meets at 1525 Townsend Ave in the Girls’ Program Space. Watch Tasheema’s video invitation!
Next Level Dancers Hip Hop dance classes. JUNIORS (ages 10 up, beginner/intermediate) meets THURSDAYS 6:30-8:30 PM. IN-PERSON @ 1514 Townsend Ave, Community Room 1. *Space is limited for safety & social distancing.
Next Level Dancers – Hip Hop dance classes. SENIORS (ages 14 – YA, advanced) meets Sundays 1-4 PM. IN-PERSON @ 1514 Townsend Ave. *Space is limited for safety and social distancing.
Girls EnCourage Adventure Learning and team-building, grades 6-12. Will meet in the Spring Semester TBD Outdoor day-trips (typically Sundays, & weather permitting) with pre-expedition remote planning and team-building sessions.
Silence Out Loud Poetry, grades 6-12. Mondays 5 pm-6:30 pm Led by performance Poet Roya
Marsh, these workshops are a truth-telling experience through the media of spoken word encompassing life, love, self, justice, and the power of happiness and self-actualization.
Girls Be Heard Multidisciplinary Arts with a social justice message (ages 14 – YA) meets Saturdays 1-4 PM at 1525 Townsend Ave in the Girls’ Program Space. *This program pays a milestone- based STIPEND