Building a Safer Future with Learn to Swim and Lifeguard Opportunities

lifeguarding class with five participants doing a backboarding drill
New Settlement lifeguard trainees practicing a backboard drill.

In the heart of The Bronx, New Settlement is making waves by tackling two significant challenges head-on: the lifeguard shortage and the disparities in swimming abilities among different racial and ethnic groups. Through comprehensive learn-to-swim programs and year-round lifeguard opportunities, New Settlement is transforming lives and creating a safer future for all.

Tackling the Lifeguard Shortage

lifeguard sitting by pool

New Settlement offers comprehensive learn-to-swim programs that serve as a pathway to becoming lifeguard-certified. By adhering to Red Cross standards, young people who participate in these programs develop essential water safety skills, positioning themselves for lifeguard certification not only at New Settlement but also at various facilities across the city. We’re nurturing a new generation of capable lifeguards, actively working to ensure the safety of our aquatic spaces.

Moreover, New Settlement understands the importance of preparing young individuals for the more challenging NYC Lifeguard certification. Through our learn-to-swim programs, participants gain a solid foundation that equips them to handle the demanding training and requirements of becoming NYC-certified lifeguards. New Settlement’s comprehensive approach is instrumental in bridging the gap and addressing the lifeguard shortage in our city.

Addressing Disparities in Swimming Abilities

New Settlement recognizes the significance of equal access to swimming education. Our learn to swim programs focus on providing swimmers of all ages, predominantly Black and Latinx community members, with vital water safety skills. We have inclusive classes for neurodivergent and autistic youth, and swimming opportunities for transgender adults. For seniors, we offer aquatics programs that build strength and fitness. By providing affordable and accessible opportunities, New Settlement aims to bridge the disparities in swimming abilities, ensuring that everyone, especially children, has the opportunity to thrive in the water. We’re fostering a community where everyone can swim confidently.

swim class with child student and teacher
Learn-to-Swim classes are held at the New Settlement Community Center throughout the year.

Building Confidence and Leadership

New Settlement’s impact extends beyond teaching swimming skills. Through learn-to-swim initiatives, participants gain confidence in the water and develop crucial life skills. These programs also open doors to lifeguarding opportunities, offering young individuals well-paid and reliable first jobs. Lifeguarding cultivates responsibility, leadership, and a sense of community service, shaping them into responsible leaders within their communities. New Settlement is not only preparing individuals for exciting careers but also nurturing their personal growth.

New Settlement is committed to addressing the lifeguard shortage and disparities in swimming abilities in our city. Through our comprehensive learn-to-swim programs and lifeguard opportunities, we aim to instill confidence and foster leadership in our swimming participants. At New Settlement, we firmly believe that swimming education is a necessity, not a luxury. We hope to build on our successes and partner with broader city agencies to create lasting impact in the lives of our children and the future of our community.