What We Do


Individual Building Organizing

We organize tenants in forming and sustaining strong Tenant Associations that:

  • Organize to get repairs
  • Fight against landlord harassment – Ensure that tenants know their rights
  • Build a sense of community and accountability in the building
  • Stop displacement

Tenant Coalition Organizing

We bring tenants from different buildings together that are experiencing common problems or who have the same abusive landlord. There’s power in numbers! CASA’s powerful tenant coalitions have fought large battles and won huge, far reaching victories and kicked some of the worst landlords out of the Bronx!

Membership Led Campaigns

We know we can’t win our fight for affordable housing building by building, so we run local campaigns that protect affordability and prevent displacement. See Our Campaigns.

Legislative Advocacy

We work with various state and city-wide coalitions such as the The Right To Counsel Coalition NYC (RTCNYC), and many more,  to fight for broader, city and statewide policy objectives that preserve safe and affordable housing and ensure tighter protections for tenants.

Tenant Education

We regularly conduct skills trainings as well as monthly tenants rights workshops around basic tenants’ rights and the importance of organizing tenant associations.

Leadership Development

Our ultimate goal is to build a unified and empowered local community full of knowledgeable and strong leaders. We put leadership development at the forefront of our work. We have a CASA Leaders Team that meets monthly to plan our monthly membership meetings and make strategic decisions about our work. We also have a new Leadership Development Institute that trains members in both political education so that we can deepen our theory and understanding and also concrete organizing skills so that we can deepen our skills. Our Leadership Development Institute is a 5-week course that happens twice a year.
