Cindy Concepcion
Director of College Access Center
Jennifer Crawford-Delsol
Assistant Division Director of Center Based & Community Programs, Community Center
Lorraine Hernandez
Division Director of Schools and Community Partnerships
Tasheema Lucas
Director of Program for Girls and Young Women, Program for Girls and Young Women
Irene Rosario
Director of Bronx Helpers, Bronx Helpers
Madeline Rosario
Program Director, After School and Summer Programs at P.S. 294/P.S. 311
Javiel Vega
Director of Workforce Development, Young Adult Opportunity Initiative
Roman Woodson
Program Director, YouthBuild
Chauncy Young
Director, Parent Action Committee
Rigaud Noel

With over two decades of experience in youth development, community organization, and advocacy, Rigaud Noel has dedicated his career to cultivating an equitable society and igniting positive change. As Executive Director of New Settlement, he channels his expertise into a hard-hitting organization that chips away at systemic issues and advances racial justice in the Bronx and citywide.
Under Rigaud’s leadership, New Settlement has expanded its reach in Mount Eden, providing more individuals with resources to thrive, ultimately elevating the overall wellness of the Bronx. He spearheaded efforts to reopen New Settlement’s Community Center in July 2021, with a renewed commitment to the health and wellness of Bronx families which included building a food pantry on the first floor, currently serving 600-700 community members monthly. Rigaud also led the charge in restructuring New Settlement’s programs, enhancing financial management practices, and launching a re-brand to strengthen the communication of its services. The re-brand led to the creation of New Settlement’s tagline, “Building Equitable Futures” and a new mission statement.
In addition to overseeing the $12 million budget, Rigaud has successfully raised over $2M of new funding inclusive of public and private grants to expand New Settlement’s critical services, ensuring individuals have agency around education, employment, housing, and creative expression. He simultaneously cultivated relationships with political leaders and key stakeholders and uncovered new avenues for bolstering organizational inclusivity. Rigaud has developed key relationships with new corporate partners including Nike, the New York Yankees, and Ponce Bank.
Previously, he served as Chief Partnerships Officer (CPO) for New York Edge, NYC’s largest afterschool program provider. As CPO, Rigaud was responsible for managing the submission and tracking of all public and private grant funds for New York Edge and its $50 million-dollar operating budget. He was also able to manage and grow its middle and high school College Access Program to $3M to become one of the largest College Access providers in the city. Rigaud is a board member of the Network for Youth Success and United Neighborhood Houses (UNH). As a board member and audit committee chair, Rigaud supports the New York State’s Network for Youth Success’s mission of building a youth-serving system that increases the quality and availability of afterschool and expanded learning programs across the state. United Neighborhood Houses is a policy and social change organization representing 46 neighborhood settlement houses that serve 765,000 New Yorkers from all walks of life. As a current Executive Director of a Settlement House, Rigaud has the unique opportunity to serve as a board member for UNH supporting the critical work being done by settlement houses across the state to
support their communities in need. Rigaud holds a master’s degree with a certificate in nonprofit management from Villanova University and a
bachelor’s degree in political science from Syracuse University. He was previously an adjunct professor at Queens College and taught nonprofit management to prepare the next generation of nonprofit professionals.
In 2021, Rigaud was recognized on Schneps Media’s inaugural Bronx Power List as one of the most influential and impactful individuals in the Bronx. In 2022, he was named on the Non-Profit 40 Under 40 City and State/Nonprofit Media list. Rigaud also serves his community in Rockville Centre, Long Island as a Volunteer Interior Firefighter at Eureka Truck Company #1.
Cindy Concepcion

Cindy Concepcion is the director of New Settlement’s College Access Center. She has been a leader in the nonprofit sector for over nine years. Cindy works to engage communities, organizations, and external partners in supporting youth and young adults in their post-secondary pathways. Prior to this position, she was the Coordinator, College Success Program and Educational Counselor for New Settlement’s Student Success Center providing advising and support for students, as they work towards a college degree. Cindy’s connection to the College Access Center is deeply rooted in her experience as a former participant. She is a graduate of Ithaca College with a B.A. in Sociology. In her spare time, Cindy volunteers through New York Cares, travels, and is active in arts initiatives that are focused on social change, diversity, and community.
Jennifer Crawford-Delsol

Jennifer is very passionate about serving the community in which she lives and works. She excels at working alongside management teams to innovate and implement community engagement strategies in support of New Settlement’s mission and vision.
She possesses a honed ability to connect, listen closely and curate synergies among all levels of the organization to maximize the opportunities for success based on New Settlement’s values and objectives.
Lorraine Hernandez

Lorraine Hernandez has worked in the Youth Development field for 15 years. Lorraine is a licensed Social Worker and it is important to her that she spreads mental health awareness in the field.
“I am excited to have joined the team at New Settlement and look forward to growth!”
Michelle Jimenez

Michelle D. Jimenez joined Settlement Housing Fund (SHF), the parent company of New Settlement (NS) in 2022. She is a dedicated and innovative human resources executive with close to 20 years of experience designing and executing human resources strategies with expertise in implementing personnel and industrial security programs in various industries including healthcare, the federal government, and non-for-profit. Currently, as the head of the HR department for SHF and NS, she continues to provide human resources leadership.
She works closely with the management and the executive team on the daily administration and support of its team and its organizational growth. She leads all HR operations including recruitment, benefits, and ensures that the organization is in compliance with all local and federal labor regulations. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology/Biology/Chemistry from Lehman College and an MBA degree from Monroe College where she graduated Summa Cum Laude. She is also a certified senior HR professional (SCP) from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). She is an active community volunteer with different organizations; and is also a member of the international business, management, and administration honor society – Sigma Beta Delta, SHRM, and a former member of the Forbes HR Council.
Tasheema Lucas

Tasheema recently graduated with her Master’s of Social Work (MSW) at Lehman College. She also holds a B.A. in English from Binghamton University (SUNY) with a concentration in Creative Writing. As of July 2021, Tasheema took over leadership of The Program for Girls and Young Women and we can’t wait to see all the great work she will continue to accomplish with our young ladies. She was the co-facilitator of multiple programs including Project V.I.P., Girl Talk (leadership development), all of our sexual and reproductive health programming, and the summer Peer Educators program. Since joining our staff in 2005, Tasheema has completed extensive training in youth development, including arts education, gender-equity, youth engagement, financial literacy, college preparedness, self-defense, and sexual health education. A native of the Bronx, Tasheema spent three summers during college as a lead facilitator of New Settlement’s intensive Bronx Helper’s Super Summer. Her extensive experience working with girls and boys, teen women and men also includes serving as the site director of the Boys and Girls Club of Binghamton, NY, as a program facilitator in the Broome County YMCA, and as an intern in a public elementary school in Binghamton. Since 2008, Tasheema has served as the program’s liaison with an ever-evolving coalition of Bronx organizations collaborating to support young women’s sexual and reproductive health, She lovingly is referred to as ‘Mom’ by many of our program veterans, for her nurturing, humorous, no-nonsense style of leadership.
Alexandra Medina

Ally is the Administrative Director of the New Settlement Community Center and has worked for New Settlement for the past 14 years. She enjoys creating the systems of operation we use in the organization. She has strong ties to the community we serve, as her family was one of the first tenants in the apartment buildings. Being able to watch her mother create the New Settlement Multi-Cultural After School Program set a strong example for her work ethic and goal to provide quality programming to the community.
Juan Otero

Juan Otero is the Building Engineer of the New Settlement Community Center, responsible for the physical management and upkeep of our facility and aquatics center. Before joining New Settlement in 2014, Juan served as an Engineering Supervisor of Asphalt Green from 2002 to 2014; a highlight was coordinating his department in support of a 14 million dollar renovation project of their 5.5 acre sports complex. Juan is also an Energy Engineer with the Bronx-based Association of Energy Affordability. He has certifications in Boiler Maintenance (1996 Bronx Community College), Building Maintenance (1998 New York City Technical College) and Refrigeration (2001 Turner School).
Irene Rosario

Madeline Rosario

Javiel Vega

Javiel Vega, M.S.W. became Director of Workforce Development at New Settlement in November 2020 after leading our Young Adult Opportunity Initiative since 2005. Javiel holds a B.A in Forensic Psychology from John Jay College (1999) and M.S.W. from Hunter College School of Social Work (2008). He joined New Settlement as director of YAOI in July 2005 and led its rapid expansion ever since. He brings extensive experience in running and developing programs for young adults in New York City. At C.A.S.E.S, he served as Deputy Director from 2001 to 2005 and Team Director from 1999-2001; at Safe Horizon, in the Bronx, he worked as Project Director of Bronx Family Court (1995-1998) and Domestic Violence Case Management Supervisor in Brooklyn Family Court (1993-1995). He is a Certified Field Instructor for Social Work Graduate School students and is proficient in Spanish.
Roman Woodson

Roman joined the YouthBuild movement 10 years ago and New Settlement in 2017 when he was asked to ramp up the newly acquired YouthBuild program. He is a proven leader in non-profit management and growth, with experience in adult and youth workforce development, program development, education, and evaluation. He holds an MBA from the University of Illinois and lives in Northern New Jersey.
In his spare time, Roman enjoys spending time with his family and volunteering in his community.
Chauncy Young

Chauncy Young has been active in the field of Education Organizing since 2004, when he joined as an organizer with the Community Collaborative to Improve District 9 Schools (CC9). He also is a founding member of the Coalition for Educational Justice (CEJ) and a founding member of the Healing-Centered Schools Working Group, both citywide coalitions of which the New Settlement Parent Action Committee is a member organization.
Chauncy served as Organizer, Lead Organizer and Director of Organizing with the United Parents of Highbridge, another member organization of CCB and CEJ prior to becoming the Director of Education Organizing at New Settlement. He coordinated the Highbridge Middle School campaign, which led to the creation of the Highbridge Green School, and coordinated the Highbridge School Coalition and the Highbridge Clergy Coalition. He was an active member organizer of the Muslim Holiday Campaign, and was involved in the CC9 Lead Teacher Program, as well as campaigns for the Middle School Initiative, Community Schools, and Culturally Responsive Education.
While Chauncy originally studied to be a science teacher, he has worked to make improvements to education outside of the classroom. As a parent and a resident of the Highbridge neighborhood in District 9, Chauncy is committed to improving the quality of education in District 9, in the Borough of the Bronx and across New York City.