Cindy Concepcion
Director of College Access Center
(646) 927 - 9460c.concepcion@newsettlement.org
Cindy Concepcion is the director of New Settlement’s College Access Center. She has been a leader in the nonprofit sector for over nine years. Cindy works to engage communities, organizations, and external partners in supporting youth and young adults in their post-secondary pathways. Prior to this position, she was the Coordinator, College Success Program and Educational Counselor for New Settlement’s Student Success Center providing advising and support for students, as they work towards a college degree. Cindy’s connection to the College Access Center is deeply rooted in her experience as a former participant. She is a graduate of Ithaca College with a B.A. in Sociology. In her spare time, Cindy volunteers through New York Cares, travels, and is active in arts initiatives that are focused on social change, diversity, and community.